IP Notes Tagger

What is it?

IP Notes is a free service from BrowseDNS to track and count the number of unique active users within the last 20 minutes on your domain. This is useful to display a "live count" of how many people are on a page at a time.

IP Notes is a free service, but we do ask that you link back to us on your site. This helps us grow and keep the service free.

How to use

To count up a unique view, add the following code to the page served off the domain that you want to track:

            <script src="https://ipnotes.page/tag"></script>

To display the count, add the following code to the page where you want to display the count, replacing example.com with your domain:

            <iframe src="https://ipnotes.page/view?domain=example.com" width="256px" height="100px" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Here are the number of users currently on this page!